The Hunny Pot Cannabis Co. Purple Sun God Strain Review
Mar 12, 2020
Strain Review: Purple Sun God
1505 Burlington Budtender Blake, reviewing Pure Sunfarms Purple Sun God
CBG is here! Purple Sun God, an Indica flower from Pure Sunfarms is proudly the first Cannabis strain with a significant amount of CBG. Also known as Cannabigerol; CBG, This lesser-known Cannabinoid is an under-appreciated member of the orchestra that is Cannabis. I would go as far as to say that after experiencing a strain with strong components of CBG that it is now my new favourite Cannabinoid in this Cannabis Universe!
Brand Name: Pure Sunfarms
Strain Name: Purple Sun God
Strain Category: Indica
Method of Consumption: Freshly Cleaned 8” Beaker Water Bong / Pax Vaporizer
Would you buy again?: Yes

Aroma (2 / 5)
I was excited to try CBG, in the same way, I was excited to try Cannabis flower with CBD, it was a new player in the arena and an interesting one at that! Murmurings of the potent physical effects of CBG and Purple Sun God’s unique cheesy aroma from the Hunny Pot’s sensory jars was enough for me to embrace this new Cannabinoid with open arms, welcoming them to the family so to speak.
Appearance (3 / 5)
Cure (4 / 5)
The one gram that I purchased was from a batch that came in at 11.6% THC and no CBD present. Exact CBG amounts are not displayed currently on Pure Sunfarms packaging but believe me, it’s in there! I chose to first try the Purple Sun God in a clean 8” beaker water bong. The buds themselves were on the drier side when I took them out of the envelope packaging. In hindsight, I would have really liked to put the gram in a small jar with a humidity pack for half a day before trying. However if one preferred drier cannabis this could be a good thing, especially vaporizer users who prefer to use drier cannabis versus fresh and fluffy.
Flavour (4 / 5)
The first bowl was surprisingly smooth and I was relieved to find that the taste of the smoke was not cheesy like the aroma had led me to believe. The flavour was much more earthy with notes of peppered spice and pine and actually quite pleasant. I switched over to the Pax vaporizer and was happy to get the same notes of pepper, pine and earth as in the bong but with additional clarity from the combustion-free vapour.
Effects (4 / 5)
After a couple more bowls I settled back, listened to music and waited to see what flavour CBG would bring to my back which was sore from a shift budtending. My shoulders started to feel less sore and more like clay putty, think of an old claymation cartoon, basically like that except my body was becoming the character of an after school kid’s show. It felt great and within 45 minutes I felt like I was wearing a warm backpack that was really pleasant and soothing.
The high itself was not what I would describe as couch-locking, Pure Sunfarms actually cites this strain to have energetic effects and I definitely can agree with that statement. I was energetic but not necessarily focused for creative endeavours. My mind tended to wander which if you’re looking to relax is pretty great in my opinion. Overall this strain made me feel incredibly calm, the medium levels of THC interacting with the CBG and other cannabinoids made for a balanced strain that doesn’t rely on CBD or high THC like so many others tend to.
Indica’s have always had a sub reputation to me of providing a physical element that is separate from the cerebral effects typical of other non-Indica dominant strains. After getting acquainted with CBG, I now believe some of my most memorable Indica experiences had actually been Indica strains with some amounts of CBG present. The attributes it brings to a strain are incredibly interesting and even more enjoyable. I highly encourage anyone who enjoys a balanced strain, or a strain with noticeable physical effects to try some Purple Sun God by Pure Sunfarms. It’s a great strain for physical relaxation without the sometimes mentally lethargic and sleep-inducing effects of potent Indica’s.
Don’t just take my word for it, try CBG for yourself and see if it’s for you.