Oct 26, 2020
Indica, Sativa, & Hybrid Explained
If you’re new to cannabis it can be overwhelming, there are a ton of terms and a lot of important information to navigate through. It’s our mission at The Hunny Pot to educate about cannabis in an easy-to-digest way. In this blog we are going to simply break down the different types of cannabis plants for you. The two most common cannabis plant types are Cannabis Sativa and Cannabis Indica. Less common is Cannabis Ruderalis, which is used mostly by breeders to enhance their Hybrids.
It was once believed that Sativa and Indica had distinct effects. Sativa was thought to produce more energetic, cerebral effects, while Indica was thought to produce more calming, physical effects. While some of this basic knowledge may still apply, now that growers have cultivated Hybrid strains for so many years, references to the effects of pure species may no longer be relevant or helpful. Today, there are hundreds of strains of plants – each bred for specific characteristics and often intended to produce specific effects for consumers.
The Indica plant is short and dense with dark green wide leaves and is well-suited for growth in cooler climates due to their shorter flowering periods.
The Sativa plant is tall and thin with light green long leaves that flourish in warmer climates and can naturally grow up to 12 feet tall in a season.

There is a lot of speculation about the varying effects of consuming predominantly Sativa versus Indica strains, but significant differences can occur from strain to strain. Many products are made from hybrid plants, which combine both species, as growers explore and cultivate cannabis to produce desired effects.
This species is short, stalky and shaggier with five to thirteen leaflets that are light green in colour. It tends to be rugged and auto-flowering, which is good for breeders. These are similar to indica leaves but smaller and narrower. Cannabis ruderalis doesn’t contain as much THC content as other species of cannabis plants.
The leaves of the cannabis plant can be used to identify the different types. Being able to tell the difference can come in handy for picking out the plant you’d like to use/consume. But plant type isn’t the only factor to consider when choosing your cannabis. With so many different strains available on the market, and with different categories to separate them, how do you choose? Check out our post on hybrids vs. balanced cannabis to get you started.